In order to provide our clients with maximum comfort under one roof when selling or renting their property, we work closely with our long-time external partners. Thanks to this synergy we can provide our clients with complexity.
COOPER REAL s.r.o.. – building and costruction, real estate investment, project management
E&K Investments s.r.o. - building and costruction, real estate investment
Maniké tax & Manike Office - comprehensive economic and tax consultancy, bookkeeping
GRAND OAK - Law Office
Law Office - JUDr. Timon Uhrína
Globins - comprehensive property insurance
Global Finance - mortgage specialist, financial coaching
Ing. Martina Grexová - expert in the field of construction
Mgr. Ing. Jana Pecníková - expert in the field of construction
Geodet Team - complex geodetic services - exclusive partner focusing on Russian speaking clients
Thermodul System Slovakia - construction of low-energy and passive houses and buildings
Ing. Gabriala Minár, Ing. Kinga Vaclav - designing and engineering services, authorized architects